
The Best 368 Colleges in America: The Princeton Review

August 1, 2008

The Princeton Review surveyed 120,000 students from around the country and has revealed the best 368 colleges in America.

Let’s jump right in to the results: Middlebury college in Vermont has the best professors; Wheaton College in Illinois has the tastiest college-campus food; Loyola College in Maryland has the best dorms; and Princeton University’s students are the happiest with their financial aid.

The full survey results, including a college’s political leanings and social scene, can be viewed in The Princeton Review’s annual college guide, “Best 368 Colleges, 2009 Edition (College Admissions Guides).”

For the meantime, here are additional highlights from the book:

  • Best Career / Job Placement Services – Northeastern University (Boston)
  • Best Classroom Experience – Stanford University (CA)
  • Most Conservative Students – Texas A&M University (College Station)
  • Most Liberal Students – Occidental College (Los Angeles)
  • Most Politically Active Students – American University (DC)
  • Top Stone-Cold Sober Schools – Brigham Young University (UT)
  • Least Religious Students – Lewis & Clark College (OR)
  • Race / Class Relations Friendliest – Pitzer College (CA)
  • Most Diverse Student Body – City University of New York – Baruch College
  • Gay Community Most Accepted – Emerson College (Boston)

Plus, many colleges and universities are “going green,” which are reflected by the new Green Rating in the college guide. The Green Rating is based on the school’s environmental policies, related practices and course offerings.

“The ‘green’ movement on college campuses is far more than an Earth Day recycling project or a dining hall menu of organic food,” said Robert Franek, vice president and publisher at The Princeton Review. “The commitment that many colleges and their student bodies have made to environmental issues–indeed, to the environment–in their practices, use of resources and academic and research programs is truly compelling.”

The colleges that scored high points for their go-green efforts are:

  • Arizona State University at the Tempe campus
  • Bates College (Lewiston, ME)
  • Binghamton University (State Univ. of New York at Binghamton)
  • College of the Atlantic (Bar Harbor, ME)
  • Emory University (Atlanta, GA)
  • Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
  • Harvard University (Cambridge, MA)
  • University of New Hampshire (Durham, NH)
  • University of Oregon (Eugene, OR)
  • University of Washington (Seattle, WA)
  • Yale University (New Haven, CT)

Click here to purchase the book from Amazon or visit our bookstore.


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